Jamie Morgan

Operational Excellence, Leadership
Rural facilities face greater recruiting challenges
Data shows rural health facilities have a harder time filling labor gaps compared to urban and suburban counterparts.

Operational Excellence, Leadership, Facility Engineering, Maintenance and Operations
Results of the 2024 Hospital Operations Survey
Maintenance teams align their resources and responsibilities despite labor and budget shortfalls.

Facility Engineering, Fire and Life Safety, Engineering Compliance
Window closing to comply with CMS sprinkler requirement
Advocacy expert urges existing health care occupancies that need to be fully sprinklered by 2028 to start as soon as possible.

Operational Excellence, Emergency Management
Planning keeps patients safe in the face of extreme storms
Hospitals share their emergency management plans and decision-making processes during recent record-setting hurricanes.
Operational Excellence
Stopping the spread of disease
More than 50 organizations partnered in the nation’s largest drill to move patients with highly infectious diseases..
Operational Excellence
Hospital in a Park
When Cleveland-based Metro­Health first began planning for its $1 billion campus renovation in 2013, discussions among its leaders and community stakeholders centered on creating a site where care begins even before a patient walks through the front door of one of its campus facilities..
Operational Excellence, Quality & Patient Safety
Designing for disaster
In 2001, when Tropical Storm Allison tore through Texas, dumping torrential rainfall on Houston and surrounding areas, Houston’s Texas Medical Center was hit especially hard. The largest medical complex in the world, home to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, was decimated by the storm that dumped more than 3 feet of rain, flooding buildings throughout the complex. While MD Anderson itself was minimally affected primarily due to its location, Allison caused millions of dollars in damage to the medical center overall. .
Operational Excellence, Strategic Planning
Building efforts focus on efficiency
From bottlenecks in emergency departments to communication breakdowns between departments to lengthy walks down corridors, hospitals face daily inefficiencies that can affect patient care, staff performance and their own bottom line..
Operational Excellence, Quality & Patient Safety
An Ounce of Prevention Hospitals Look to Prevention for Better Security
[byline] Story by Beth Burmahl with data by Jamie Morgan and Suzanna Hoppszallern [body] Amid increasing security risks and growing pressure from regulatory agencies — including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration — a vast majority of hospitals have adopted training programs on managing aggressive behavior in order to de-escalate security situations before they erupt..
Health Information Technology (HIT), Operational Excellence, Leveraging Technology
Cybersecurity Remains Top Problem Cybersecurity remains ongoing problem for hospitals
Hospitals continue to funnel significant resources into securing the electronic health record information that is increasingly the target of cyberattacks. But staying one step ahead of increasingly sophisticated hackers continues to be an ongoing challenge..