Codes & Standards

Watch live broadcasts of the upcoming ICC hearings

The International Code Council will be livestreaming hearings from April 7-16 of its Group A Code proposals, including several submitted by the Committee on Health Care

The International Code Council (ICC) will be holding the 2027 International Codes committee action hearings for Group A Codes in Orlando, Fla., from Sun., April 7 at 2:00 p.m. EDT through Tues., April 16. The hearings also will be livestreamed on the ICC Leadership Week + Hearings webpage. 

Hearings for the following proposals submitted by the ICC Committee on Health Care will be held and livestreamed at the following approximate dates and times:

Tuesday, April 9, morning: 

  • Proposal F8-24
  • Proposal P93-24

Tuesday, April 9, afternoon: 

  • Proposal F101-24

Wednesday, April 10, afternoon:

  • Proposals F160-24 
  • Proposal F163-24

Thursday, April 11, afternoon: 

  • Proposal F232-24 
  • Proposal F258-24
  • Proposal F259-24 
  • Proposal F260-24

Friday, April 12, morning: 

  • Proposal M23-24

Saturday, April 13, morning:

  • Proposal G2-24

Saturday, April 13, afternoon: 

  • Proposal FS31-24

Sunday April 14, morning: 

  • Proposals E61-24 
  • Proposal FS65-24

For additional information on the above proposals download the “2024 Group A Consolidated Monograph updates.” 

A link to the document can also be found toward the bottom of the ICC Group A Code Development webpage (see screenshot below). 

Screenshot taken from International Code Council website


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