Lindsey Brackett
Operational Excellence, Leadership
Five unique challenges of health care
A compilation of resources geared to empowering facilities staff with education focused on hospitals.
Operational Excellence, Leadership
Ensuring relevant job descriptions to ease recruiting
Updated and consistent job descriptions can help to remove frustration in employee hiring.
Operational Excellence, Leadership
Catching and keeping facilities talent
How health care can compete with other professions during the ‘silver tsunami’.
Operational Excellence, Leadership
How to measure employee productivity
Knowing the difference between 'output' and 'outcome' is vital to establishing performance goals and monitoring staff progress.
Determining what motivates and demotivates employees
Aptitude, or one’s ability to be successful within a given skill set, is often overshadowed by a person’s attitude, or willingness to contribute to the organization’s mission and success. Most managers tend to appreciate an employee’s attitude more than aptitude. Even though aptitude implies a ceiling to one’s skill set, skills can be taught. Attitude, generally speaking, cannot. This is why managers often take risks on new employees who are hungry, humble and smart..