Erik J. Martin

Architecture, Architectural Planning, Architecture Profiles
Building a sustainable haven for behavioral health patients
Boston Medical Center Health System wins Excellence in Health Care Facility Management Award.

Facility Engineering, Energy Management, Power and Electrical
ASHE recognizes 21 hospitals for exceptional environmental performance
The ASHE Energy to Care Program bestowed the designation of Sustainability Champion to a record number of hospitals in 2024.
Facility Engineering, Maintenance and Operations
A new approach to health care facilities maintenance
Reliability-centered maintenance emphasizes equipment dependability and eliminates redundancy.
Construction, Project Management, Vista Award Winners
Project drives hospital rebirth
Parkland Health & Hospital System earns Vista Award for team-based innovation.
Construction, Project Management
Parkland Hospital sets standard for collaborative project delivery
Parkland's design and construction team implemented an innovative delivery model that continues to influence the field.
Architecture, Architecture Profiles
Expanded ED decreases wait times
Bon Secours Community Hospital reduced wait times 10% after redesigning its emergency department.
Compliance and Operations
Virtual inspections see growing acceptance
Remote compliance audits are gaining popularity amongst the regulatory community as technology advances.
Compliance and Operations
Accreditation surveys benefit from virtual practices, too
Accrediting organizations turn to virtual surveys during COVID-19 pandemic.
Construction, Project Management, Vista Award Winners
2020 Vista Award winners
ASHE salutes team-based health care innovation in new construction, renovation and infrastructure projects.
Facility Engineering, Water Management
Taking a team approach to improving water safety
Multifunctional teams help to increase project buy-in and chances for success.