Jonathan Flannery
ASHE proposals gain ground at International Code Council hearings
The advocacy team was successful in getting approval for 51 proposals submitted to ICC's Committee on Healthcare.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
Taking part in the ICC code-development cycle
How facilities professionals can help in the unification of health care codes and standards.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
ASHE e-tool brings clarity to life safety risk assessments
Matrix helps to determine physical environment risk tolerance and document necessary ILSMs.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
Working to unify overlapping codes
ASHE works to ensure regulations are backed by data and are appropriate for health care.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
ASHE issues update on CMS ligature-risk policy
Special consideration should be given to emergency departments and locations where at-risk patients are treated.
Facility Engineering, Water Management
Minimizing facility water system risks
ASHRAE Standard 188 Legionella prevention requirements for hospitals.
Compliance and Operations, Emergency Management
Strategies for maintaining power in health care facilities
ASHE initiative aims to build stability and resiliency in the face of adverse weather events.
Compliance and Operations
Understanding requirements for legionellosis protection
Complying with ASHRAE's standard for building water systems.