Chad E. Beebe

Facility Engineering, Building Infrastructure Equipment, Engineering Compliance, Power and Electrical
Sticking to the essentials in health care power systems
The unique needs of health care infrastructure call for a rethinking of how power system requirements are developed and managed.

Operational Excellence, Emergency Management
Learning the truth about the 96-hour rule
The questions hospitals need to ask themselves when creating a site-specific preparedness plan.
Operational Excellence, Compliance and Operations
Buyer beware: Are hospital-grade USB ports legitimate?
ASHE’s deputy executive director of regulatory affairs breaks down an emerging marketing myth.
Operational Excellence, Compliance and Operations
Popular micromobility devices pose new fire threat in facilities
Hospitals need to educate themselves on how to balance rising use of micromobility transportation with physical environment safety.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
NFPA 70B changing from guideline to standard
NFPA 70B's evolution from a guideline to a standard in 2023 could present regulatory conflicts for health care facilities.
Repairing fire-rated assemblies
Determining when and when not to ‘scab’ fire-rated assemblies should be guided by key industry standards.
Operational Excellence, Safety and Security
Electric vehicle charging in parking garages presents new hazards
How to mitigate increased fire risks of an increasingly popular sustainability initiative..
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
ASHE supports research to improve regulations
The organization advocates for evidence-backed codes and standards through its work with the Fire Protection Research Foundation.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
The Joint Commission reverses earlier decision on standards for sprinklers
ASHE worked with the NFPA to issue a formal interpretation on requirements for stock supply of spare sprinklers.
Facility Engineering, Energy Management
Health care microgrids attract NFPA attention
Next edition of NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code will address emerging energy distribution system.