Joshua Brackett, PE, SASHE, CHFM
Facility Engineering, Fire and Life Safety, Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and fire protection
As cyberattacks increase, facilities managers can help to ensure fire safety systems do not become a pathway for internet incursions.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
Hospital fire drill matrix assists code compliance
ASHE has updated its fire drill matrix tool to reflect new interpretation and knowledge of fire codes.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
Influencing health care facility codes
Why professionals must move from a reactive to a proactive stance.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
Joining the fight for regulatory relief
ASHE's regulatory affairs committee puts out call for volunteers.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance, Architecture Compliance
Two easy steps to get involved in code development
Helpful videos from ASHE show facilities professionals how to participate in the regulatory process.
Compliance and Operations, Engineering Compliance
Advocating against the costs of unnecessary codes
ASHE member shares why health care facilities leaders should engage in the code development process..
Compliance and Operations
Taking ownership of testing and inspections
Deciding when and how to bring code-required testing and inspection in-house.
Operational Excellence, Compliance and Operations
Tracking and documenting physical environment compliance
How to prepare for accreditation surveys well ahead of time.
Operational Excellence, Compliance and Operations
Insourcing services for accreditation surveys
Building the case for hiring staff in-house for compliance tracking.
Facility Engineering, Energy Management
Energy-saving ideas for every project
Strategies for improving hospital efficiency and reducing costs for new and existing facilities.