Facility: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Shapiro Cardiovascular Center 
Location: Boston
Architect: Cannon Design

Intended to reflect the hospital's mission as a leader of innovation in the treatment of heart and cardiovascular diseases, the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Shapiro Cardiovascular Center, is distinct for a modern design that emphasizes lightness and transparency.

The design utilizes a variegated curtain wall system of subtly changing patterns within a disciplined grid and a skin of 25 percent transparent elements. The open, luminescent design has become a source of inspiration for hospital staff, patients and visitors as well as the community.

By maintaining a fully built-out footprint, the cubic form is achieved without compromising the requirement for large floor plates. The project utilizes a unique design process known as the universal-grid theory that employs a standardized planning and structural framework and offers the flexibility to accommodate present and future medical functions.

To reinforce the open design outside and within the center itself, patient rooms feature large windows that provide abundant natural light. The discreet use of glazing in corridor partitions allows natural light to filter into hallways and nurses' stations to enhance the overall feeling of spaciousness.



To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, please contact senior editor Jeff Ferenc at jferenc@healthforum.com.