Inside HFM

Meeting your needs

When it comes to new media, we've got you covered

One of the challenges Health Facilities Management faces in our quest to deliver timely and valuable information on hospital design, construction and operations is determining the delivery formats that meet the needs of our diverse readership. That's why we've released a variety of electronic editorial products over the past few years and continue to brainstorm new ways to keep you informed of industry trends, products and research.

For example, our two monthly e-newsletters — HFM Insider and HFM News — provide access to original features and news stories that appear in our print issues, usually before they go to press. This affords you early access to important articles as well as the convenience of filing them electronically.

Likewise, our Twitter updates provide links to new information posted on our website. Additionally, they greatly expand our reach and increase our timeliness by providing links to breaking news and information from hundreds of sources across the industry, such as professional societies, regulatory groups, consulting firms and vendors. The updates can be accessed via smart phone or by browser.

Finally, our digital edition offers an electronic version of our complete magazine. We encourage you to sign up to have it sent via e-mail each month in advance of the printed version. Features include sophisticated content search options and the ability to forward fully designed articles to colleagues.

Our website still serves as the nexus for all of these efforts, as well as home to our "Web Exclusives" features; our archives of published articles and surveys; and our "designView" microsite of hospital design and construction profiles. So, log on to to learn how we can best meet your information needs.

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