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ASHE certification helps set the gold standard for credibility

Results of the 2023 Salary Survey show that ASHE certifications help boost average salaries

Higher salaries, recognition, credibility and career advancement are some of the many benefits reaped by facilities and construction managers who have obtained certifications from the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE).

In anonymous responses to the 2023 Salary Survey conducted by ASHE and its Health Facilities Management magazine, respondents praised certification for the value it brings to their careers and their organization.

Said one respondent who earned ASHE’s Certified Healthcare Facility Manager (CHFM) designation: “During several Joint Commission inspections, surveyors recognized the CHFM certification, and one indicated that certification meant I was seasoned and knew the profession.”

Said another: “The CHFM designation has shown the C-suite that while I may not have a college degree, I have the know-how and years of service to provide insight, manage financials and provide knowledge of codes and regulatory requirements.”

As in years past, the 2023 Salary Survey shows that certified managers earn higher average salaries than those without credentialing. One respondent received a $2,500 increase when they earned their CHFM. Said another: “I tripled my salary after earning my CHFM credential.”

As health care becomes more complex and the roles of facilities professionals expand, more employers are relying on the credibility that certification brings to the profession, says Chad Beebe, AIA, CHFM, CFPS, CBO, FASHE, ASHE’s deputy executive director. “The C-suite is starting to see that hiring people with the right credentials reduces the learning curve. ASHE certification is really seen as the gold standard in this industry."

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While the survey shows that 11% of respondents said their employers require CHFM certification, another 35% work for employers who prefer certification. The number of employers who require Certified Healthcare Constructor certification is inching up, while the Certified Health Care Physical Environment Worker and Mechanic Evaluation and Certification for Healthcare are beginning to gain a foothold in the field, the survey shows.

Across the board, certification is on an upward trajectory, says ASHE President Gordon Howie, MSPM, CHFM, CHC, SASHE, regional director of facilities and construction services at Mayo Clinic Health System, Eau Claire, Wis.