Last Detail

Piazza of heaven

August 2012 Last Detail

Facility: Health First Viera Hospital
Location: Viera, Fla.
Architect: HuntonBrady Architects

Health First Viera Hospital was intended to create a health care village in the town of Viera, Fla. It was designed to serve as a place of healing, a community gathering space and as the cornerstone of the village. To achieve the essence of a village, the hospital, medical office building and fitness center were designed around a central piazza.

Drawing upon principles of classic village design, the central piazza is the organizing element with intersecting walkways, architectural landscaping and water features.

The fountain was added to provide a focal point at the end of the piazza, which is visible from the dining area, and to serve as a calming influence on patients, visitors and staff.

A glass curtainwall unites the two-story dining area with the piazza, another feature that was planned to attract community residents as well as hospital staff and visitors. Benches placed throughout the space and architectural landscaping further enhance the atmosphere.

The massing and form of the building are a modern interpretation of Florida's Mediterranean architecture.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, contact Jeff Ferenc at

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