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Recruiting a future sustainability staff

Three strategies to ensure your organization can meet tomorrow's sustainability goals

Sustainability in health care facilities management drives a need for specialized staff who can implement and uphold eco-conscious practices. However, the challenge of meeting this demand lies in sourcing, recruiting and cultivating the right talent. Recruiting for sustainability requires a strategic approach.

Identifying candidates who have technical skills and a passion for sustainability is essential, which often means cultivating talent from within or attracting younger professionals aware of eco-conscious careers. Here are three recruitment and development tactics:

• Internship programs and partnerships. Establishing sustainability internships or partnering with educational institutions can provide a pipeline of talent passionate about environmental issues. This approach also raises awareness of career paths in facilities management, attracting students, recent graduates and veterans to a field they might not have previously considered.

• Succession planning. Existing staff can be valuable assets when cultivated for sustainability roles. Investing in professional development through training, mentorship and certifications can create a workforce ready to address long-term sustainability goals and fulfill succession needs.

• Community engagement. Promoting sustainability-focused roles through local community programs and job fairs broadens outreach and demonstrates the organization’s commitment to environmental responsibility. It also reinforces facilities management’s role in community sustainability efforts, highlighting career pathways for those who want to make an impact.

The American Society for Health Care Engineering’s Sustainability Roadmap for Health Care™ and its monograph, “Succession Planning: Preparing for the Future of Your Facility and Your Career,” offer guidance to help facilities plan. Check out the "ASHE Resources" box above to access these resources. 

Richie Stever, MHA, SASHE, vice president of real estate and construction at University of Maryland Medical System in Linthicum, Md.

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