
ASHE undergoes leadership transition

American Society for Health Care Engineering prepares for the future as leadership changes

ASHE Executive Director PJ Andrus is transitioning to a new position after 13 years with the organization.

Photo courtesy of ASHE

ASHE Executive Director PJ Andrus, MBA, CAE, is leaving the organization in November to become chief executive officer of another association, the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society. Andrus said he has enjoyed his time with ASHE. 

“Serving ASHE members for the past 13 years has been a wonderful experience, both personally and professionally,” Andrus said. “While I am excited for my next venture, it is bittersweet to leave such an outstanding organization. I want to sincerely thank our ASHE members, our business partners, and of course the amazing ASHE team for working together to advance ASHE’s important mission.”

Stepping in as interim executive director is Dale Woodin, FASHE, CHFM, a former ASHE executive director who is now vice president of professional membership groups at the American Hospital Association. Woodin has worked closely with Andrus to ensure a smooth and effective transition, and will be leading the search for ASHE’s new executive director.

“PJ’s willingness to try new approaches in creating member value has transformed ASHE,” Woodin said. “With his guidance, ASHE has achieved amazing advances in developing tools, resources, and social networks that provide value to members each day.  We wish him well in the next chapter of his professional journey.”