Environmental Services

Influencing EPA’s testing decisions

How to stay updated on regulatory changes and play a role in their outcome

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) relies heavily on a docket system to disseminate technical information to stakeholders in a reliable manner, including new test methods and guidance documents. Environmental services professionals should stay connected through the following websites to influence the work of the EPA:

Any member of the public can make comments to open EPA dockets, which are housed at www.epa.gov/pesticides/open-comment-pesticide-actions-and-documents. They also can search for past dockets that provide a wealth of information on previous decisions and the rationales behind them at www.regulations.gov (use search terms that include EPA and the specific organism of interest).

The easiest way to stay on top of the EPA developments, however, is to subscribe to the Office of Pesticide Programs’ Listserv at https:/ /public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USAEPAOPPT/subscribers/qualify.

For detailed microbiology information, the Biological and Economic Analysis Division microbiology laboratory has a website that houses methods, procedure and guidance documents related to antimicrobial efficacy methods. The “Guidance” tab houses the documents on Candida auris, Clostridium difficile and biofilms at www.epa.gov/pesticide-analytical-methods/antimicrobial-testing-methods-procedures-developed-epas-microbiology.

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