NFPA weekly update: Jan. 20-24
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) manages more than 300 codes and works with more than 250 technical committees in its codes and standards development process. Below is a list of NFPA committee happenings for the week of Jan. 20-24.
Ballots and reports
Committees released ballots, comment reports and/or revisions reports for the following codes and standards:
NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems. The first draft ballot for the standard’s 2027 edition is posted under the “next edition” tab in the “first draft committee information” section. The ballot includes public input with responses, the committee input report, the first revisions report and the final ballot.
NFPA 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems. The first draft ballot for the standard’s 2027 edition is posted under the “next edition” tab in the “first draft committee information” section. The ballot includes public input with responses, the first revisions report and the final ballot.
NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. The second draft ballot for the standard’s 2026 edition is posted under the “next edition” tab in the “second draft committee information” section. The ballot includes the public comment report, second revisions report and final ballot.
NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems. The second draft final ballot and revisions report for the standard’s 2026 edition is posted under the “next edition” tab in the “second draft committee information” section.
Meeting notices and agendas
Three committees shared notices and agendas for upcoming meetings.
NFPA 70B, Standard for Electrical Equipment Maintenance. A notice for the March 18-19 meeting is posted under the “next edition” tab in the “second draft committee information” section. The meeting will discuss the second draft of the standard’s 2026 edition
NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code. Agendas for three upcoming meetings, Feb. 4-6, Feb. 20-21 and Feb. 26, are posted under the “next edition tab” in the “first draft committee information” section. The meetings will discuss the first draft of the code’s 2027 edition.
NFPA 115, Standard for Laser Fire Protection. The committee posted a meeting notice and agenda for its Feb. 11 meeting under the “next edition” tab in the “first draft committee information” section. The meeting will discuss the first draft of the standard’s 2027 edition.