Last Detail

Corporate contemporary

August 2011 Last Detail

Facility: Loma Linda University Medical Center
Location: Murrieta, Calif.
Interior design: Inner Design Studio

Loma Linda University Medical Center's interior is a unique blend of high-end, contemporary elements that challenge health care design norms. The center's boardroom, a contrast of white against dark wood elements, continues the facility's innovative design.

Meant to accommodate large groups, 22 oversized, white polyester and urethane-upholstered chairs surround a custom-built, espresso-stained table with "Coke-bottle green" glass edges rounding off each end.

The center of the 24-by-5-foot table encases a smart spine for optimal elec­trical/­wire­less performance and houses 12 microphones. The 60-inch flat screen monitors on opposite ends of the boardroom complete the space and facilitate business presentations.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, please contact senior editor Jeff Ferenc at

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