
Hospital surpasses water conservation goal years early

Comprehensive water management strategy enables UCI Health to serve more patients with less

UCI Health’s chiller plant houses all the water treatment, chillers and electrical distribution for the health system’s non-hospital buildings.

Image courtesy of UCI Health

For Joe Brothman, director of facilities and general services for University of California, Irvine (UCI) Health, Orange, Calif., water conservation and efficiency require a method of saving water at every location — including every faucet and flush.

That approach has enabled UCI Health to already surpass its targeted conservation goal of cutting water usage by 37% by the year 2025. 

Brothman says this success in water conservation is particularly noteworthy given continued growth of the health system — both in square footage and in patients served — while also living through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Some targets of these programs include installing toilet flushing systems with flushometers with the option of flushing liquids only versus solid wastes, as well as retrofitting fixtures with water-saving faucet laminar devices and showerheads. 

Larger measures, however, have had an exponential ripple effect. Water infrastructure and management improvements include centralizing much of UCI’s HVAC equipment; replacing outdated infrastructure; using recycled and reclaimed water from the city of Irvine when possible; and reducing watering of outdoor grounds.

“We’ve done a lot of the low-hanging fruit, but I’m confident we’ll find more opportunities to save,” Brothman says.

The health care system was recognized as a Conservation Champion by Water Savers Solutions, a consulting firm based in California. 

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