Last Detail

Natural light

October 2013 Last Detail

Facility: The Lunder Building at Massachusetts General Hospital
Location: Boston
Architect: NBBJ

Natural light research proves that healing is improved by daylight and views to the outdoors, because of this the Lunder Building at Massachusetts General Hospital was designed to bring patients closer to nature.

However, the hospital occupies a dense, urban campus in downtown Boston, so the architects had to bring nature into the building itself, in the form of outdoor roof gardens and in the bamboo plants on the lobby level.

The entry to all patient floors, the atrium brings daylight deep into the center of the building, especially to the 15 patient rooms — three per floor — that face it directly and otherwise would receive no natural light. With its hanging planters suspended from the ceiling, the atrium garden is a healing environment visible and accessible to everyone.

It even provides space for special events. Within the first month of operation, it was the site of a patient's wedding.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, contact Jeff Ferenc at

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