
HHS updates its list of hazard vulnerability analysis tools

The list includes ASHE's revamped HVA, which creates a more holistic and interactive approach to emergency preparedness

The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) updated its Evaluation of Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) Tools, which highlights similarities and differences among applicable HVA tools used by public health and health care organizations. 

Each description includes a summary of its primary use/purpose, information on who developed the tool and how, the format of the tool, the calculations approach, and the benefits and limitations of the tool. 

The evaluation points out the American Society for Health Care Engineering’s (ASHE’s) HVA’s unique feature of including factors such as mitigation exercised within the past five years, mobilization ability, supply chain, surge ability and community mutual aid involvement within the evaluation of potential hazards. 

For additional information on ASHE’s HVA and to download a working copy, see the ASHE Compliance Tool article Creating a more interactive and holistic HVA.”

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