ASHE Compliance Tools

Online community forums provide wealth of resources

The My ASHE community provides virtual peer-to-peer connection and support during the COVID-19 pandemic

The American Hospital Association, and specifically the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE), has many resources available to its members. Members are the fundamental building block of the organization, which is why it has placed a focus on creating tools and resources for those involved. Resources include opportunities for involvement in code development, code enforcement, code interpretation, and assistance with protocols and best practices in general community forums. These community forums are also a great resource for members when it comes to sharing ideas and concerns. 

Local chapters understand that membership comes at a price and have put together financial assistance programs and other opportunities to network and access knowledge bases. These chapters are the place to turn for discussion and dialogue regarding local concerns that could lead to national pursuit. Each chapter has representatives in advocacy programs that provide a more powerful, unified voice to help with understanding at the governmental level, as well as the facility level. Members are encouraged to share concerns, ideas and trends so they can be addressed for the benefit of all.

Unifying membership may be difficult during these ever-changing times. Historically, networking events have been successful and beneficial, providing support through in-person connection and training for members. However, even though in-person connections may be limited due to current social distancing precautions because of the pandemic, information is still being shared and distributed. New, innovative ideas have been developed to continue discussions, such as online forums as well as training sessions and webinars. 

One program that has been refocused is ASHE’s Community Forums. The wealth of information this platform provides is an unmatched resource for members. Members can post on topics and receive quick feedback from a host of colleagues and subject matter experts. The forums are not only a knowledge resource, but also a way to get to know and interact with fellow colleagues. Members can access these forums by visiting the link in the box above. 

It is important to make sure that those who can benefit from these tools and resources know how to access them. As these tools are shared with those in the field, ASHE will be able to increase membership participation and further enrich the dialogue between leaders.

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