Inside HFM

A time to give thanks!

ASHE president reflects on a year of accomplishments and innovation within the organization

The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) saw a great number of accomplishments this year, including the success of the Women’s Networking Community, rollout of the strategic plan and implementation of the Chapter Relations Committee, among others. As proud as I am of these achievements, I know they would not have been possible without the people who make up ASHE and its community.

During my time with ASHE, I have served on task forces, committees, the certification center and the ASHE Board. Every step of the way, I have had the honor of serving alongside the greatest people in health care. I am blessed to have this experience and would like to thank those who make ASHE an exceptional organization. Your unending passion, dedication, spirit and willingness to give of yourself to improve the health care physical environment for our patients is truly inspiring.

So, at the end of my term as ASHE president, I express my thanks to:

  • The countless volunteers for spending time away from home to serve on our committees and task forces.
  • The ASHE Board members for sharing their experience and wisdom in guiding our organization.
  • The ASHE executive leadership for their guidance through the years.
  • The ASHE staff for supporting the daily operations and making all our lives easier.
  • The annual conference and PDC planning committees for their attention to detail in bringing us these incredible events each year.
  • The Healthcare Executive Leadership Council for their insight and commitment to ASHE.
  • The faculty and presenters for sharing their knowledge and creating the programs that educate us.
  • Our business partners who support ASHE and our affiliated chapters and make so much of what we do possible.
  • And, last but not least, the members for their continued involvement with ASHE. It is their commitment that makes ASHE exceptional.

It has been an honor and privilege to be able to serve this great organization as president. My time with ASHE has been the experience of a lifetime, creating friendships and memories I will cherish forever.

This past year has been awesome. Thank you all!