Inside HFM

Make big plans

Help your organization reinvent health care.

As in the past few years, Health Facilities Management's (HFM's) annual Hospital Construction Survey finds the nation's health care organizations maintaining a moderate volume of construction activity, but nowhere near that of their pre-recession levels.

While lingering economic concerns and reduced reimbursement expectations undoubtedly are putting many construction plans on hold, a significant number of respondents also report that their organizations are still coming to grips with the ramifications of the Accountable Care Act.

Indeed, one of the most telling pieces of data to emerge this year is that only 34 percent of respondents reported having had discussions with senior management about potential changes needed to existing facilities or campus design in light of health care reform.

It's conjecture whether this means executives are not thinking about this subject or are simply not bringing their health facilities professionals into the discussions. But, either way, it presents an opportunity for HFM's readers to get involved in the planning process.

The U.S. health care industry is entering an era of unprecedented change, and health facilities design, construction and operations professionals can expand their influence and the future of their vocations by volunteering the professional insights and expertise only they can provide.

So, check out this year's Hospital Construction Survey. Then, seek other research on the future of health care regularly published or referenced in HFM and C-level publications such as Hospitals & Health Networks. Gather as much intelligence as you can and ask to get involved.

Chances to reinvent the health care industry don't come along very often.

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