
Multipurpose clinic combines health care and education

South Philadelphia Community Health and Literacy Center nears its one-year anniversary

The 96,000-square-foot building combines four operations focused on health, literacy and community.

Photo courtesy of South Philadelphia Community Health and Literacy Center

It was in May 2016 that the bright and airy South Philadelphia Community Health and Literacy Center opened in the neighborhood. The 96,000-square-foot building combines:

  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Primary Care Center,
  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health Community Health Center,
  • Free Library of Philadelphia–South Philadelphia Library,
  • DiSilvestro Playground and Recreation Center.

“It’s a first of its kind,” says Peter Grollman, senior vice president of public affairs, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who led talks between CHOP and the city. “I haven’t seen a project where you have the trifecta of health care, literacy and wellness with a city and hospital that have come together as partners.”

Now, the CHOP clinic sees nearly 35,000 visits per year and each partner in the building has seen an uptick in visits compared with those of its previous location, says Steve Wilmot, senior director of practice management services at CHOP, who manages services at the South Philadelphia Community Health and Literacy Center.

More importantly, the space has allowed for cross-collaboration among units, which includes monthly meetings of the leaders of the four entities to create community wellness initiatives.

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