2016 Hospital Security Survey

2016 Hospital Security Survey report

Hospitals stress violence prevention as maintaining security becomes more challenging.
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About the survey

Health Facilities Management and the American Society for Healthcare Engineering surveyed a random sample of 2,332 hospital executives to learn about trends in hospital security. The response rate was 10.9 percent, or 255 completed surveys.

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Security plans stress prevention

Seventy-five percent of hospitals report that maintaining security has become more challenging during the past two years. Experts in the field say the rise of behavioral issues and opioid abuse among patients are top contributing factors, but not impossible to overcome. De-escalation, prevention and training to manage aggressive behavior are just snapshots of the many ways security professionals say they are keeping hospitals safe for patients and staff. Read the full report to learn more, including the top security incidents hospitals face, as well as techniques and technologies used to mitigate them.


Cybersecurity presents ongoing challenges

Hospitals continue to funnel significant resources into securing the electronic health record information that is increasingly the target of cyberattacks. But staying one step ahead of increasingly sophisticated hackers continues to be an ongoing challenge.


Hospital Security Survey Infographic

This downloadable PDF highlights some of the key takeaways from the 2016 Hospital Security Survey.

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