Inside HFM

Making smarter purchases

New platform helps health facilities professionals locate the best products and services

One issue our readers often discuss is the difficulty they experience in thoroughly evaluating vendors, products and services before a purchase. Finding the right solution and the right partner, particularly for a major capital or infrastructure investment, is extremely important.

It’s something we keep in mind as we assess the hundreds of press releases that we receive each month to determine whether the inquiring companies have worked with domestic health care facilities and can demonstrate that their offering has met a hospital’s rigorous performance and regulatory standards.

That’s why we’re excited to tell you about the American Hospital Association’s new interactive marketplace called AHA SmartMarket. AHA SmartMarket makes a quantum leap in the vendor-assessment process by bringing the power of social media to a platform where health care professionals can search products and services, rate and review product performance and collaborate with health care peers and experts to gain insights and solve problems.

Vendors also take part by sharing product information, services, social media posts and videos. In addition to interacting with key health care purchasing influences and receiving valuable feedback, they also get insights on real-time market trends.

Launched in July, the AHA SmartMarket web site already has profiles posted by more than 1,300 health care professionals and more than 1,000 vendors. Moreover, the site features more than 1,200 products and services focused on all segments of the health care field, including facilities management, environmental services and supply chain.

Log on to to join in this important conversation and make smarter purchases for your facility.

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