ASHE Perspective

Don't go it alone

ASHE Perspective

One of the biggest challenges that we all face is how to deal with and respond to change. We face change in every aspect of what we do, and as professionals in the health care industry, we need to anticipate tomorrow's challenges today.

Joining and being active in a professional membership organization such as ASHE is one way to help with change. Networking with peers and individuals who face the same challenges and share common interests and concerns is one of the most valuable aspects of your membership in ASHE. No matter who you are, what you do or where you live, the ability to network with one's peers and colleagues is an often underappreciated value of ASHE membership. When I think about ASHE, I think about the friendships that I have developed over the years. While we might not be in regular contact, I know that they are there for me, sharing their insights and giving me the support that I need.

In the late 17th century, John Donne coined the famous phrase, "no man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." These words are truly motivational and provide a clear vision and insight to all of us on how we need one another in these uncertain times. None of us can do it alone; we need the support and the strength of one another in order to thrive and survive.

While each of us has a defined role to play, we are intertwined. From the physician who makes a diagnosis, to the nurse who provides the bedside care, to the facilities manager who maintains the physical environment and equipment, we all work together as health care service providers, relying on the support of others in the hospital.

I hope you will think about the important role and function you serve in your facility. Everything you do is designed to help meet the needs of the patients and the community that you serve. Too often, this is a fact that goes unnoticed. But the next time you walk through the doors of your facility, I encourage you to look around and see for yourself the impact your efforts have. Take pride in what you do, and how you are "part of the main" and an important member of the health care team.

I look forward to hearing from you. Remember, we are all in this together with one goal—to optimize the health care physical environment.

Terry L. Martin, CHFM, SASHE

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Resources available

ASHE offers a number of valuable resources at special prices to professionals in the industry. They include the following:

  • Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities. The Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) has partnered with ASHE to publish the FGI's Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities. As the largest personal membership group of the American Hospital Association, ASHE represents a diverse network of professionals dedicated to their work in the health care industry, including health facility managers, engineers, architects and contractors. For information on purchasing the Guidelines in book or CD form, click here.
  • Construction DVD. ASHE has released "Today You are Health Care," the second DVD in the Healthcare Construction Television (HCTV) series. It is a tool for orienting construction workers and vendors on the complexities of working within a health care facility. Buyers also have access to supplementary materials. To preview the DVD and order a copy, click here.

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