Boston Medical Center uses 'Green Steam' to reduce carbon footprint

Boston Medical Center reduces its carbon footprint using "Green Steam."
Boston Medical Center (BMC) recently signed a 20-year agreement to use “Green Steam” to help meet its thermal energy needs. The agreement was formed with Veolia, a global resource management group, which has supplied BMC with steam for its heating, hot water, humidification and sterilization needs for more than 25 years.
Green Steam, which is a byproduct of electricity generation, is created by recapturing thermal energy that otherwise would be wasted. BMC estimates that adding Green Steam to its mix will eliminate 8,500 tons of carbon emissions annually, equivalent to removing 1,700 cars from the road. It also will help the medical center to meet a challenging sustainability goal to reduce its carbon footprint.
“As a medical campus treating a diverse range of health care needs, it's absolutely vital for Boston Medical Center to maintain continuous and consistent heating, sterilization and comfort levels," says Bob Biggio, the hospital's vice president of facilities and support services. "After careful analysis of all of our potential options, it became clear that with Veolia's recent investments to create a more sustainable district energy system, executing a new Green Steam contract with Veolia would support our sustainability goal of a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.”
As part of this ongoing partnership, Veolia also will support the 24-hour Level I trauma center’s thermal energy requirements for its multiyear campus redesign. To consolidate its services, increase campus efficiencies, reduce operating costs and further lower its carbon footprint, BMC is advancing a $300 million redesign of 500,000 square feet of clinical and office space. Veolia will provide cogenerated Green Steam and metering installations in support of the development, while ensuring continuity of steam service for the existing hospital space.
“We are excited to continue this sustainable partnership with Boston Medical Center — a national health care leader in providing urgent and clinical care," says John Gibson, president and chief operating officer of Veolia North America's municipal and commercial business. "By taking advantage of Veolia's integrated Green Steam network to meet its current and future thermal energy needs, the medical center is demonstrating its environmental leadership.”